Mutual help groups

A MHG or Mutual Help Group is a group of people who:

  • Have the same health problem or social situation.
  • And who meet to do something to improve their problem or situation.
  • They give each other support and information at these group meetings.
  • And they personally and/or collectively benefit, which is also a benefit for society.

Their objective is to provide each other support as well as material or emotional services aimed at giving relief to the person in question, and to his/her family members or carers. It is a social and healthcare resource, where people affected by an illness, personal conflict or particular situation can find an association or mutual help group that meets their needs, and is also useful for healthcare, social service or educational professionals.

There are more than 180 mutual help groups and associations in Barcelona, working for the social and community welfare and providing services for sufferers of illnesses, addictions or other particular situations.

And more such groups are constantly being formed.



  • Grup d'Ajuda Mútua de Alcoholics Rehabilitats (GAMAR: Mutual Help Group for Rehabilitated Alcoholics) Barceloneta Civic Centre.
    Ph. 677 32 56 55.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous- AA. Ph. 93 317 77 77.
  • Groups of Families and Friends of Alcoholics Al-ANON. Ph. 93 310 39 53.


  • Association d'Ajuda als Toxicòmans -
    AAT. (Drug Addicts Support Association) Ph. 93 237 45 50.
  • Asociación para el Fomento de la Salud Mental contra las Adicciones -
    FOSCAD. (Association Pro-Mental Health, Anti-Addictions) Ph. 93 201 49 44.

Special Situations

Death and Bereavement

  • Association pel Dret a Morir Dignament (Association for the Right to Die with Dignity).
    Ph. 93 412 32 03.
  • Mutual help group for support following bereavement.
    Ph. 617 73 22 08.
  • MHG Bereavement Group. Ph. 93 217 11 50.
  • MHG Emotional Support Group. Ph. 93 466 36 02.


  • Associació d'Assistència a Dones Agredides Sexualment (Association for the Care of Women Victims of Sexual Aggression).
    Ph. 93 231 95 93.
  • Associació de Dones contra la Violència Familiar - Tamaia (Association of Women against Domestic Violence).
    Ph. 93 412 08 83.
  • Associació per l'Assessorament i la Prevenció dels Abusos Sexuals a Menors - FADA (Association for Advice and Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Minors).
    Ph. 93 318 97 69.


  • Breastfeeding MHG. Ph. 93 329 44 95.


  • Cerebrovascular Accident
    Associació Catalana de Persones amb Accident Vascular Cerebral - AVECE (Catalan Association for Cerebrovascular Accident Sufferers).
    Ph. 93 274 14 60.
  • Alzheimer's
    Associació Alzheimer Catalunya (Alzheimer's Association Catalonia). Ph. 93 459 22 94. E-mail: alzcat(ELIMINAR)

    Associació de Familiars de Malalts d'Alzheimer de Barcelona AFAB (Association of Families of Alzheimer Sufferers of Barcelona).
    Ph. 93 412 57 46.
  • Amputees
    Associació d'Amputats Sant Jordi - AASJ (Sant Jordi Amputees' Association).
    Ph. 93 274 14 60.
  • Anorexia and obesity
    Associació contra l'Anorèxia i la Bulímia - ACAB (Association Anti-Anorexia / Bulimia). Ph. 902 11 69 86. E-mail: acabba(ELIMINAR)
  • Cancer.
    Grup Àgata (Catalan Association of Women Affected by Breast Cancer). Ph. 93 415 93 94. E-mail: agatas(ELIMINAR)

    Associació de Familiars i Amics de Nens Oncològics de Catalunya - AFANOC (Association of Families and Friends of Children with Cancer in Catalonia). Ph. 93 237 79 79. E-mail: afanoc(ELIMINAR)

    Associació Espanyola contra el Càncer (Spanish Association Against Cancer).
    Ph. 93 200 20 99. E-mail: barcelona(ELIMINAR)

    Fundació Internacional Josep Carreras per la Lluita contra la Leucèmia (Josep Carreras International Foundation for the Fight Against Leukaemia). Ph. 93 414 55 66.

    Federació Catalana d'Entitats Contra el Càncer - FECEC (Catalan Federation of Entities Against Cancer). Ph. 93 314 87 53. E-mail: federacio(ELIMINAR)

    Oncolliga (Catalan League Foundation for Oncological Support). Ph. 93 240 58 88. E-mail: barcelona(ELIMINAR)

    Macro Vida. E-mail: Macro Vida(ELIMINAR)

    Federació d'Associacions de Laringectomitzats de Catalunya (FALC: Federation of Associations of Laryngectomy Patients of Catalonia). Ph. 93 785 22 86. E-mail: terrassa(ELIMINAR)
  • Celiacs
    Celiac sufferers of Catalonia. Ph. 93 421 17 89. E-mail: celiacs(ELIMINAR)
  • Diabetes
    Association of Diabetics of Catalonia
    Ph. 93 454 67 68. E-mail: adcbarna(ELIMINAR)
  • Epilepsy
    Catalan Association of Epilepsy Sufferers.
    Ph. 93 203 67 49.

    MHG for Persons Affected by Epilepsy. Tel 93 212 22 88.
  • Multiple sclerosis
    "La Llar" Catalan Association for Persons Affected by Multiple Sclerosis. Ph. 93 424 95 57.

    Multiple Sclerosis Foundation. Ph. 93 418 92 77.
  • Hepatitis
    MHG, Hepatitis C. Ph. 93 775 53 84/93 555 42 03.
    E-mail: aehcc(ELIMINAR)
  • Disability
    Asociación de Minusválidos de Barcelona - A.MI.BA. (A.MI.BA Disabled Association of Barcelona). Ph. 93 408 03 50.

    Associació de Paraplègics i Grans Minusvàlids de Catalunya - ASPAYM (Association of Paraplegics and the Severely Disabled of Catalonia). Ph. 93 314 45 00.
  • Cerebral palsy
    Associació de Paràlisi Cerebral - ASPACE (Cerebral Palsy Association).
    Ph. 93 200 25 34.

    Fundació Catalana Paràlisi Cerebral (Catalan Foundation for Cerebral Palsy).
    Ph. 93 313 36 66/639 71 65 48. E-mail: fcpc(ELIMINAR)
  • Parkinson's disease
    Associació de Parkinson de Catalunya - ACAP (Parkinson's Disease Association of Catalonia).
    Ph. 93 245 43 96.
  • AIDS
    Actua, Association of Persons Living with HIV. Ph. 93 418 50 00. E-mail: info(ELIMINAR)

    Associació Ciutadana Antisida de Catalunya - ACAS (Citizens' Anti-AIDS Association of Catalonia). Ph. 93 317 05 05.

    Barcelona Citizens' Committee for the Fight Against AIDS. Ph. 93 315 00 95.

Social commitment

  • Social commitment
Collaborating entity

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